Welcome to our photographic record of Burnley

We hope that older viewers will enjoy recalling past times and younger people will be interested in seeing parts of Burnley which have disappeared.

The captions to these photographs are from our personal recollections and we trust that they are accurate, although if any viewer can offer any correction or additional information this would be welcome.

If you have any comments send an email: oldburnley@gmail.com

Manchester Road

This is Salem Chapel on Manchester Road.  The site is now occupied by the Endsleigh Insurance building.
Further up Manchester Road was the Canal Tavern, on the corner of Finsley Gate and Manchester Road.
These buildings were on the opposite side of Manchester Road, on the corner of Hammerton Street and River Street, with the Town Hall in the background.

This is the first of several photographs showing Manchester Road near its junction with Trafalgar Street.  This view is looking up Manchester Road, towards the entrance of the present-day Hollywood Park cinema.  All this property has disappeared and has been replaced by the roundabout at the top of Centenary Way.
This is looking up Manchester Road from the opposite side of the road and present-day motorists will recognise the road where it bends right on the approach to Spring Hill Road.  None of the roadside buildings remains.  In the foreground we can see the far pavement just beginning to curve into Trafalgar Street.

This is Halstead Street, and whilst the row of houses has disappeared, the former Sto-Mike coffee building still stands, opposite to the entrance to Manchester Road station car park.

Many houses were heated by coal and this collection of coal merchants’ offices was on Manchester Road just below its junction with Halstead Street, roughly opposite the entrance to Hollywood Park cinema.  None of these buildings remains.
A last look at Manchester Road, with the Town Hall an obvious landmark.  The junction on the left, which is signposted, is Trafalgar Street and the buildings in the foreground have been demolished, as this is now the site of the roundabout at the top of Centenary Way.