Photographs of Burnley

Close to the Town Centre

The road leading over the railway bridge is Healey Wood Road and this picture shows the pattern of former streets, following property demolition.  In the background is Springhill Road, with Healey Wood school prominent and still operational.
The white-tiled building is the Weavers’ Institute on Whittam Street and the car park is opposite the present day Crown Court.  There is a notice on the building stating that it is for sale, but there were no buyers and it was demolished.
This is another view of the Weavers’ Instutute showing the Charlotte Street elevation.  None of the buildings in this photograph remains, and the site is now part of the Crown Court car park.

The road in this picture is Burnham Gate and not one of these buildings is still standing.  They were known as Trafalgar flats and were demolished, to be replaced by housing.
These buildings were part of the cleansing/destructors complex of the Corporation on Centenary Way.  The site is now a car park, situated opposite Burnley bus station.
A former church on Parker Lane, opposite Saunder Bank.